What happens in Vegas…

…can’t stay in Vegas when it’s too good to share!

We’re finally coming down from last week’s whirlwind of fun at WPPI. Thanks to everyone who came by our booth. We loved meeting you! Even though our BRI crew looks rather calm in the photo, when those exhibit doors opened, we could hardly contain our excitement about our NEW booth, NEW Sierra album and NEW Cascade ordering software!

What began as a pencil sketch on a tray liner some months back became our awesome 20’x40′ booth with a soaring 18′ high “river rooftop.” On the lounge side, guests settled into our comfy couches and perused our albums and books. On the presentation side, Cascade demos ran every other hour intermingled with talks from our rockin’ photographers.

Special thanks to our BRI crew and all our amazing online casino speakers for sharing their expertise at our booth: Jeremiah Andrews, Spencer Boerup, Martha Dameron, Dixie Dixon, Elise Ellis, Gene Ho, Amanda Reed and Dawn Shields.

In case we missed you, you can catch up on the fun on our Facebook page. We’re already looking forward to next year!

