Here’s an interesting factoid. My studio sells approximately one album a week. That is one 10×10 – 20 page – Echo album. About one a week – average about 50 a year. What’s even more interesting about this – is that every one of these albums are an upsell. In other words… none of these albums were “pre-included” in our wedding packages. All were an upsell.
How is it possible that we can sell so many of these albums?
There are two secrets we have:
1) You can never sell something for retail – that you’re not willing to buy for wholesale. This isn’t anything new. It’s old saying in sales. But it rings true. I sell a lot of BRI Echo albums – but I also personally own two of them. I designed my own wedding album and made it into a BRI album. And I bought it for myself. I paid for it myself. I also made an album for my mom and dad’s 50th Year Anniversary. I made an album for them as a gift – and I made a duplicate one for myself. Here’s the interesting thing… both of those albums are in my home. They are NOT sitting in my studio. Why? Because I live in my home. I like seeing those albums in my living room. Will my clients ever see them? No. But my staff can sell those albums because they know I personally believe in them. I’m an owner of them.
2) The second secret is the cap the number of pages. I cap the number of pages to 20. The reason why we do that is the minimum number of pages you can have is 20. I figure – I want to set a cost of this album at the lowest possible entry point. I like a low entry point – because I can tell our clients what the cost of the upgrade is – and that it is a 20 page album. As we design it – we usually go over 20 pages. When the album goes to 22 pages – we give them the first “extra” for free. But if it goes over 22 pages – we give them the option of buying extra pages. In all – you will sell with confidence if you own the product yourself. I personally own the BRI Echo Album. Add to that – use a set ENTRY LEVEL price point. When you buy a car – you might add the bells and whistles – but normally like to know what they are going to pay.
To see more of Gene Ho’s work –