IUSA14 + Instagram = GoPro Hero Silver 3+




Attending IUSA14 in just a couple of weeks? Then you have a chance to win a GoPro Her03+ Silver Edition and other prizes!

How? Easy! Participate in our Instagram Scavenger Hunt!

The Rules:

1). Make sure to follow us on Instagram:


or click


2). Tag us in your images: @blackriverimaging

3). Use the following hashtag’s so we can find your entries! #iusa14 and #bripro

4). Upload an image of the following to Instagram for ONE entry each:

  • Selfie in Phoenix Convention Center
  • Your Name Badge
  • You in the Studio Inspiration Center in our booth
  • You at the opening party: January 12th, 8-11 pm, Phoenix Convention Center North Building, 120 Ballroom
  • An image of one of our booth talk speakers
  • Our Booth
  • With Elise- Our Social Media Coordinator (hint: she’ll be in the booth or speaking at the booth)
  • You holding your favorite BRI product
  • Just having fun with your photog besties @IUSA14
  • Enjoying the closing party, Tuesday January 14th, 8-11 pm, Phoenix Convention Center, North Building, 120 Ballroom
  • Our Partners in Crime, Shootproof!

5). For extra entries, tweet each completed image out! Super easy to do, click tweet when sharing on instagram! (must have accounts linked)

The Prizes:

Grand Prize wins a GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition!

First Place wins $200 BRI lab credit!

Second Place wins $100 BRI lab credit!

Can’t wait to see everyone’s images!

Happy Instagraming!


