It’s that time of year again. The air is crisp. Leaves are starting to change and fall to the ground. Weekends consist of football, tailgates and family sessions.
Family sessions. UGH! You know what that means! Holiday Cards!!!!
Now really you should be jumping for joy at the thought of holiday cards! Why? you ask. Because every holiday card is the chance for you to market to your clients’ friends and family!
Let me say that again: Every holiday card is an opportunity to market to your clients’ friends and family.
Add your branding with your website or phone number on the back of the holiday cards as a soft sell technique that will increase your brand recognition.
We recognize that finding the time to design holiday cards is time consuming. So we are giving you a customizable Wrap Around Address Label template and one customizable design template that will fit any one of our six LOFT Shaped cards!
Download the templates here.
Happy Holidays!